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No. 1 City for Job, Wage & Tech Growth in 2011

Ranked number 1 in economic growth and prosperity out of 200 metropolitan cities in America, San Antonio jumped 13 places to land the top spot on the Milken Index in 2011. Factoring jobs, wages and technology performance, San Antonio is leading the nation.

Many people are asking: Why San Antonio?


The Milken Index ranks U.S. metros based on their ability to create and sustain jobs. The 2011 best performing cities benefited from renewed investment in business equipment; have diversified technology bases, which also drive growth in business and professional services; are exposed to America's booming energy sector; and are home to a large military presence. (Milken Institute, 200 Largest Metros)

The economic progress reported by Milken is an indicator the Alamo city is resilient in tough times; however, the city's history is an indicator of what's next in technology-based economic development. The 7th largest city in America, San Antonio is a city of arts and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) innovation. While the Alamo is the symbol of Texas independence, the H-E-B Science Tree House is part of the city's science and technology story.

H-E-B Science Tree House, Witte Museum, San Antonio, Texas design by Lake|Flato

 Image Source: Lake|Flato

Global financial capital is present in the form of Fortune 500 companies; human and intellectual capital are present in the city's R&D apparatus across commercial, military, non-profit and university sectors; Startech is organizing entrepreneurs, university IP and institutional investors; and Dr. Randy Goldsmith of Texas Technology Development Center and York Duncan from Texas Research Park are organizing private and institutional investors. San Antonio has all of the ingredients of a global technopolis--a high technology regional economy.


Wings Over the Alamo, KLRN, San Antonio PBS Affiliate

Watch Wings Over The Alamo on PBS. See more from KLRN Specials.


Watch Wings Over The Alamo on PBS. See more from KLRN Specials.

San Antonio, Heart of Innovation